Order: Columbiformes Family: Columbidae Genus: Treron Species: Treron bicinctus (Jerdon, 1840) Vietnamese: Cu xanh khoang cổ Thais: นกเปล้าอกสีม่วงน้ำตาล IUCN Red List category: LC
Order: Columbiformes
Family: Columbidae
Genus: Treron
Species: Treron bicinctus (Jerdon, 1840)
Vietnamese: Cu xanh khoang cổ
Thais: นกเปล้าอกสีม่วงน้ำตาล
IUCN Red List category: LC
Cat Tien Tan Phu Bach Ma Yok Don My Phuoc
Cat Tien
Tan Phu
Bach Ma
Yok Don
My Phuoc
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Mekong Delta
Central Highland
South of Central
North of Central
Columba livia
Columba punicea
Streptopelia orientalis
Streptopelia tranquebarica
Streptopelia chinensis
Macropygia unchall
Macropygia ruficeps
Chalcophaps indica
Geopelia striata
Caloenas nicobarica
Treron vernans
Treron phayrei
Treron curvirostra
Treron phoenicopterus
Treron seimundi
Treron apicauda
Treron sphenurus
Treron sieboldii
Ducula aenea
Ducula badia
Ducula bicolor
February, 2016
January, 2016
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