Order: Passeriformes Family: Ploceidae Genus: Ploceus Species: Ploceus manyar (Horsfield, 1821) Vietnamese: Rồng rộc đen Thais: นกกระจาบอกลาย IUCN Red List category: LC
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Ploceidae
Genus: Ploceus
Species: Ploceus manyar (Horsfield, 1821)
Vietnamese: Rồng rộc đen
Thais: นกกระจาบอกลาย
IUCN Red List category: LC
Tram Chim Can Gio Cat Tien
Tram Chim
Can Gio
Cat Tien
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Mekong Delta
Central Highland
South of Central
North of Central
Red River Delta
Ploceus philippinus
Ploceus hypoxanthus
May, 2015
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